Thursday, October 19, 2006

Double Your Income (Even Triple)

The ultimate way to double your income...

1) How much are you REALLY WORTH per hour?

First, ask yourself these two questions below:

a) How much did you earn last month?
b) How many hours did you work?

Divide your monthly income by the total amount of time you worked for. That will give you the total $____ per hour.

2) How much do you want to be worth per hour?

If you want to double or triple your income, then you'll have to understand and apply the formula below:

INCOME = Value x Time x Scalability

Here is some proven strategies for all three income factors:

Strategy for VALUE: Track your time from 9am till 11pm. What activities do you do all day? At the end of the day simply rate each task on a scale from 0-5. (5 means highest income activity, and 0 means no income) Then you'll be able to get an idea which activity you should focus on most of the time if you want to be more valuable, consequently earn more.

Strategy for TIME: If you work 40 hours a week, work 80 hours a week. That should double your income almost immediatelly. Work more days: Rather than working from Monday - Friday, work until Sunday. Time is a BIG factor to income. Many people seem to overlook this factor of making more money.

Strategy SCALABILITY: Find a way to create passive income. Make money on the Internet, or write a book. Anything that makes money without your need to actually trade your time for it. That's what scalability means.

By focusing on ALL 3 factors to increase your income you can easily DOUBLE, TRIPLE, and QUATRIPLE your income.

If you've been searching for a strategy to earn more, then this is it...

INCOME = Value x Time x Scalability

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